David Letterman is famous for his top ten lists. Well if
Mr. Letterman were to read a Top Ten list of 'Ways to Ruin
Your Laptop Computer', the Number one spots would go to
those who block or do not clean the ventilation system ontheir
laptop. It is no secret that M-Tech makes the most
powerful laptops in the industry. A fact of life is power
and heat go hand in hand. Even if you had a laptop that is
powered down for energy conservation, you could still
blister your finger in a second or less by touching the
CPU or GPU. This heat left unchecked will slow down then
eventually destroy the components on the motherboard if
not the motherboard itself. First to go is usually the GPU
AKA video card AKA $350 out of your pocket to replace.
There, we thought that may get your attention. |
When asked how to keep these new generation of M-Tech
laptops clean and cool, surprisingly Wesley Kuo, (M-Tech
support department head) stated simply enough to get
access to a blow nozzle on an air compressor and blow back
and forth from the vent to the fan, then the fan to the
vent, this is the only thing short of removing the bottom
plate on the laptop itself, that will adequately remove
the dust bunnies from the fan, heat sink and cooling
Your laptop can run faster and live longer by simply
keeping a $5 can of compressed air close by your
laptop and at least once a week use it to blow free
any dust that may be gathering. Do this at least once
a week or more often and you can avoid having to find
an air compressor. This simple investment in a can of
air will not only save you a week without your laptop
and at least $350, bit it will also make your laptop
run faster. Got your attention again didn't we? Yes
it's true. Heat builds resistance in electronic
components and resistance kills speed. In short, heat
bad clean fast. What are some other ways to damage
your laptop? Placing your laptop on your lap ( we
know, your laptop can't go on your lap?) or setting it
on anything that is not a hard and flat surface. Like
the accompanying shows, your laptop setting on a
towel, bed sheet, blanket, couch cushion or carpet,
will in short order cause your laptop to overheat.
(and make you have sad faces) This causes poor
performance and eventually, as mentioned, will kill
your laptops video card and shorten the life of the
remaining chipsets.
recommends always keeping your laptop on a well designed
cooling tray. We emphasize a "well designed" cooling tray.
M-Tech tested 29 cooling trays and had just about given up
on finding a cooling tray that helped keep our laptops
cool, in fact some trays even damaged the laptop.
Persistence paid off and we eventually found several
models that do indeed protect your investment. Please call
M-Tech and ask an advisor to look over your choice of
cooling tray before purchasing it. A cooling tray is a
must but only if it is well designed and built to cool the
type of cooling system your laptop has. Your technical
advisor stands ready to help you choose the cooling tray
as well as teach you how to keep your laptop clean and

Call 231-547-5562 |